Is It Safe to Travel to Jerusalem 2017

Is It Safe to Travel to Jerusalem 2017

Trump: United states diplomatic mission will be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

United states of america President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital has caused friction in the Eye E.

In Gaza, Palestinians threw rocks and debris across the border towards Israeli soldiers. The Israeli ground forces responded with gunfire, which is said to take injured at to the lowest degree 31 Palestinians.

Reports of conflict comes after Trump appear on Wednesday he believes "it is time to officially recognise Jerusalem as the capital letter of Israel".

He added in a press conference: "I've judged this class of activity to be in the best interests of the Usa and the pursuit of peace between Israel and the Palestinians."

Jerusalem Getty

Jerusalem travel communication: The Diplomatic mission has been moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

Is information technology safe to travel to Jerusalem?

The Strange and Democracy Office updated their advice yesterday, Dec 7, following the political unrest.

The government website advises confronting all travel to the Old City of Jerusalem from 6pm (local time) on Thursday 7 December until 6am on Saturday 9 December 2017.

It states: "Following President Trump's announcement recognising Jerusalem as Israel's majuscule on vi December, Palestinian factions have chosen for mass protests across the West Depository financial institution, including East Jerusalem, on 7 and 8 December.

"The security situation could quickly deteriorate, particularly around the Onetime Metropolis of Jerusalem.

Palestinians Getty

Jerusalem travel advice: Palestinians are protesting the embassy move

The security situation could rapidly deteriorate, especially around the Old City of Jerusalem

The Foreign and Republic Function

"Y'all should avoid all demonstrations across the West Bank and follow the advice of local police authorities."

Every bit well as avoiding travel to Jerusalem, the Foreign Office advise against all travel to the areas of Gaza and eastward of Road 98 along the Syrian edge.

It's too advisable not to travel to the Sheba'a Farms and Ghajjar, and within 500m of the Lebanese republic border.

The website adds: "The security state of affairs in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories can be fast moving, tense and unpredictable.

"Yous should be vigilant at all times and keep upwardly to date with local media and travel reports."

Jerusalem Getty

Jerusalem travel advice: Israeli Prime Government minister Benjamin Netanyahu has thanked Mr Trump for the move

Jerusalem Getty

Jerusalem travel communication: The Embassy has been moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

Israeli Prime number Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has thanked Mr Trump for the move to bring the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem.

He said the state was grateful to the U.s.a. President, who had "bound himself forever with the history of the capital letter".

Meanwhile, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is said to be preparing a diplomatic protestation, past issuing a complaint to the UN Security Council and appealing to the Arab League.

"We are going to declare the United States disqualified as co-sponsor of any peace process or political process," said Palestinian diplomat Dr Nasser Al-Kidwa.

Is It Safe to Travel to Jerusalem 2017

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